Meet the Sisters! 


*Get to know the current members of Zeta Omega Tau*


Christina Allan


 Hometown: Greenleaf, WI

 Major: Social Work

 Birthday: March 30, 1989

 Favorite thing about ZOT: Getting to hang out with my sisters and enjoy times when we laugh, cry and have fun together.




Valerie Baughman


 Hometown:  Plainfield, WI

 Major:  Undecided

 Birthday: November 23, 1988



Amanda Bauman


 Hometown: Tomahawk, WI

 Major: Human Bio & Nutritional Science

 Birthday: July 20, 1987

 Favorite thing about ZOT: My friends



Hannah Brady


 Hometown:  Sheboygan, WI

 Major:  Education

 Birthday:  October 22, 1989





Autumn Brown


Angela Bub

 Hometown: Appleton, WI

 Major: Undecided

 Birthday: September 20, 1989







Heather Close


 Hometown: West Bend, WI                  

 Major: Psychology

 Birthday: September 1, 1988





Ashley Dingler

Amber Forbes


Ashley Hawkins


Hometown: Sun Prairie, WI

Major: Human Development

Birthday: January 18, 1989

Favorite thing about ZOT: Meeting new people and hanging out with all the sisters!



Becky Houf


 Hometown:  Racine, WI

 Major: English

 Birthday: March 17, 1988





Trista Jarecki

Stephanie Klaus

Julieanne Klingler

Kinsey Kopp

Erin McClure


 Kelly Morvak


 Hometown:  Manitowoc, WI

 Major:  Undecided

 Birthday:  May 24, 1988





Jaurdon Nelson


 Hometown:  Dorchester, WI

 Birthday:  June 14, 1987

 Major:  Human Development

 Favorite Thing about ZOT:  The friendship between sisters, and always having someone there.


Kelly Offner

Jessica Peterson

Hometown:  Denmark, WI

Major: Psychology and Human Development

Birthday: March 24, 1989


Shannon Pugh


 Hometown: Ripon, WI

 Major: Education

 Birthday: October 7th, 1987

 Favorite Thing about ZOT: The friendship I've made with everyone and always having   someone there for me.






Heidi Ross


Brittany Schloss

Hometown:  Appleton, WI

Major: Nursing

Birthday: November 4, 1989


Amanda Schmidt


 Hometown:  Port Washington, WI

 Birthday:  October 29, 1986

 Major:  Psychology

 Favorite Thing about ZOT:  Meeting so many different people and knowing that I can count on my sisters if I need someone to talk to.



 Stephanie Suchecki


 Hometown: Milwaukee, WI

 Birthday: September 2, 1988

 Favorite thing about ZOT: I love being able to make new friends and be a contributor to the GB community.           



Amanda TenHanken

Hometown: Random Lake, WI

Major: Human Development and Psychology with a minor in Women's Studies

Birthday: January 14, 1990


Stacey Van Eperen









Caitlin VanWormer



 Hometown: Adell, WI

 Birthday: August 29, 1989

 Major: Pre-Med

 Favorite thing about ZOT: Always having a sister there for you through thick and thin.





Shauna Vaughan


Sarah Winter


 Hometown: Ringle, WI

 Birthday: October 26, 1988

 Major: Human Development

 Favorite thing about ZOT: Getting to know all of the girls and getting involved with the community




